Author: Carolin

  • Beyond Good & Evil: Embracing the Full Spectrum of Shamanic Spirits

    As a matter of safety, when I began learning shamanism, I was clearly and unequivocally instructed to work only with spirits classified as “benevolent.” Little did I know that breaking…

  • Spirit Animal Cheetah: Speed & Insight

    The cheetah spirit animal is a profound emblem of speed, insight, and transformation, offering those it chooses as its companions a unique perspective on life’s challenges and opportunities. As an…

  • Spirit Animal Elk: A Journey of Endurance

    Delve into the profound symbolism of the elk as a spirit animal, embodying the virtues of strength, endurance, and a dignified pursuit of personal ambitions. Learn how to embody the…

  • Pisces: The Zodiac Sign & Spirit Animals

    Pisces, the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, embodying the constant division of Pisces’s attention between fantasy and reality. Born…

  • How to Practise Cleansing Your Chakras for Better Health

    Maintaining your well-being isn’t just about physical health—it’s also about taking care of your energetic body. That’s why keeping our energy system in top shape is crucial for a vibrant…

  • Reclaiming the Feminine Spirit – Soul Retrieval for Women’s Empowerment 

    Throughout my career, I’ve often encountered a disheartening scenario: older men presuming authority over my professional choices, suggesting that I was not ready, not good enough, or that my role…

  • Spirit Animal Lion: Symbolism & Meaning

    Explore the majestic symbolism of the lion spirit animal, a powerful emblem of courage, strength, and leadership across cultures. Journey into the wilderness of its meaning, from its role in…

  • What You Need to Know About the I Ching

    Have you ever heard about the I Ching? It’s an ancient Chinese book that’s all about understanding changes in life. Some people also call it the “Book of Changes.” It’s…

  • Global Shamanic Traditions & Their Wisdom for Today’s World

    Dive into the mystical world of shamanism with our latest article, exploring ancient healing traditions from the Amazon to Siberia, the Andes to Africa, and beyond. Discover the universal wisdom…

  • Spirit Animal Groundhog: A Harbinger of Change and Inner Awakening

    The Groundhog, often overlooked in its natural habitat, emerges as a profound spirit animal symbolizing change, renewal, and the deep call to inner awakening. This small yet significant creature, known…

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