Spirit Animal Oracle Cards

The Path of the Paws

The connection with animals has always been a profound human ability. It guides us on our individual life paths. Power animals have long supported us in understanding ourselves and others better, helping us discover who we truly are. They accompany us on a journey towards a fulfilling life.

These are a few examples from the Spirit Animal Oracle Card Deck “Path of the Paws“:

What is “The Path of the Paws”?

“The Path of the Paws” is a power animal oracle card deck that invites you on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual connection with your power animals. I have personally developed and designed this tarot card set, drawing from the knowledge gained in my shamanic training and spiritual practice.

This deck comprises 43 distinct power animals, each offering unique messages and resources to assist you in finding answers to significant life questions. They can also be seamlessly incorporated into your coaching practice and client work.

*If the link doesn’t open email us: info@shamanism.one

What are Spirit Animals?

Power animals act as wise guides for all aspects of life, providing us with support, assistance, and protection. In shamanism, they are seen as guardians and messengers of valuable insights and ancient healing knowledge. They may appear during specific life phases or accompany us over an extended period.

Each tarot card in the oracle card set carries a unique message inspired by the nature and wisdom of our animal companions. From the majestic elegance of the eagle to the serene composure of the rabbit, every animal holds an important lesson – a teaching that not only enlightens us about the world around us but also about ourselves.

This card deck serves as your daily source of inspiration, aid in meditation, or be consulted as a guide during times of change and uncertainty. It is a valuable companion for reflection and personal growth.

Let ‘The Path of the Paws empower you to explore the depths of your spiritual journey, guided by the wild wisdom of your animal companions. No longer wandering blindly, you’ll discover hidden trails and uncover your soul’s true purpose.”

– Carolin Mallmann

*If the link doesn’t open email us: info@shamanism.one

Spirit Animal Card Deck Path of the Paws

Curious about how to work with these cards? You can find my guide right here: