Crows are viewed as mystical and magical creatures in many cultures. In Celtic mythology, for example, the crow was a symbol of the supernatural and the connection between worlds. In Norse mythology, the crow was a companion of Odin, the god of war and wisdom, and was seen as a symbol of his magical powers.
The crow came to me when I was learning about remote viewing and tracking objects in my shamanic studies. I was surprised and amazed when I first met the crow. Gently, it perched on my shoulder, full of curiosity. I knew right away how intelligent this bird was. And it turned out to be an amazing tracker.

If you see or hear a crow, it could be possibly wanting to come to you as a totem animal as well. In any case, it is often a sign that you should pay good attention. And with its intelligence and detailed senses it helps you with that.
I always recommend everyone to do a shamanic journey, either to the lower or upper world, and ask the spirit animal that came to you for more information. If you don’t know how to journey yet, maybe our shamanism training “The Elements of Shamanism” is a very good starting point for you.
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Join our empowering shamanism training series, “The Elements of Shamanism,” to learn shamanic practices through the lens of the elements: Water, Earth, Fire, and Wind. This course is perfect for anyone who wants to start their shamanic path to improve their own life. Through the online classes, you will learn key skills like shamanic journeying, connecting with spirit animals, and exploring your ancestral lineage.

“The Elements of Shamanism” is a course that invites you to embrace your personal power with some of the most important techniques of shamanism.
Characteristics of the Crow as a Power Animal
I am continuing this article with more general information about the crow. In general the crow is a very powerful spiritual guide who can support you on your journey of inner growth and self-discovery.
In many spiritual traditions, crows are also associated with the ability to travel between worlds and communicate with other spirits and ancestors. They are often regarded as messengers of death and change, but also as guardian angels who ensure a safe transition to the afterlife.
The symbolism and messages of a spirit animal are deeply personal and individual. However, many people believe that the crow has the following traits:
- Intelligence: Crows are renowned for their intelligence and problem-solving abilities, offering guidance in logical thinking and perspective shifting.
- Spiritual Assistance: As messengers of change and guardians of transition, crows provide spiritual guidance and aid in overcoming obstacles.
- Adaptability: Symbolizing change and renewal, encountering a crow may signify a need to embrace change and release what no longer serves you.
- Creativity: Known for their imaginative nature, crows inspire creativity and innovation, encouraging the exploration of new ideas.
All these aspects make the crow an important symbol of magic and spiritual growth. Is the crow your spirit guide? When you connect with the crow as a power animal, you can access its wonderful abilities and use them to bring about changes in your life.
Is the crow related to witchcraft?
Historically, crows have been associated with witches in various folklore and cultural narratives. In many traditions, witches were believed to have the ability to transform into crows or to have crows as their familiars—supernatural entities that assist in their magical workings. This connection highlights the crow’s role as a conduit between the mundane and the mystical, enhancing its status in the realm of witchcraft.
In witchcraft, particularly in practices involving divination or communication with spirits, crows are believed to bridge the gap between the material and spiritual worlds, delivering messages or insights from beyond. Crows are known for their mysterious nature and their ability to navigate complex environments. This sense of hidden wisdom aligns with the witch’s quest for esoteric knowledge and mystical understanding. The crow’s presence in magical contexts often symbolizes the uncovering of hidden truths or the safeguarding of arcane knowledge.

Moreover, the themes of transformation and shape-shifting are deeply embedded in the crow’s symbolic significance. Crows are often associated with the ability to traverse different realms, such as life and death, or to shift between states of being. This ability mirrors the witch’s own journey through transformation and magical change, making the crow a powerful emblem of such practices.
In ritualistic contexts, crows are sometimes incorporated into spells and ceremonies. Their presence is believed to amplify the effectiveness of magical workings and enhance the practitioner’s connection with otherworldly forces. The crow’s involvement in these rituals underscores its role as a potent symbol and facilitator of magical energy.
Why Work with the Crow Power Animal?
The crow empowers you act with intelligence and creativity, navigate through challenges, and prepare for new beginnings. It serves as a spiritual guide, leading seekers on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth.
The crow helps you to uncover hidden truths and gain deeper insights into your life and the world around you. By working with the crow, you can enhance your intuitive abilities, sharpen your perception, and develop a greater sense of awareness.

The crow also teaches the importance of adaptability and resilience. It shows you how to embrace change and use it as an opportunity for personal evolution. With the crow as your power animal, you can learn to see beyond illusions, recognize the interconnectedness of all things, and find wisdom in the cycles of life and death.
I also realized the crow is a very good tracker for all kinds of magic. It protects you from a lot of things.
The Crow and the First Light
This myth emphasizes the crow’s role as a clever and heroic figure who brings essential change to the world, showcasing the bird’s importance in Native American folklore.:
A long, long time ago, the world was covered in darkness. People lived in the dark and couldn’t see the beauty around them. They didn’t know what the sun looked like or how it felt to bask in its warmth.
One day, the Great Spirit decided it was time for the world to have light. But how to bring light into the darkness? The Great Spirit called upon the clever and resourceful crow, who was known for his ability to solve problems and bring change.
The crow listened carefully to the Great Spirit’s plan. He was given a special task: to bring light to the world. The Great Spirit told the crow that the light was hidden in a secret place, and it was up to him to find it.
The crow flew far and wide, searching for the hidden light. After a long journey, he found the light trapped in a beautiful, glowing box. But the box was locked and guarded by a powerful spirit. The crow used his cleverness and tricks to outwit the guardian and open the box.
As soon as the box was opened, a brilliant light spilled out and filled the world. The darkness was chased away, and people could finally see the colors and shapes around them. The crow had succeeded in bringing light to the world.
From that day on, people remembered the crow as a hero who made the world a brighter place. And though the crow went back to his life, his cleverness and bravery were celebrated in stories and songs for generations to come.
The Path of the Paws 🐾 Oracle Cards
The connection with animals has always been a deep, human ability. It guides us on our individual path – to our inner identity and to a fulfilling life.
“The Path of the Paws” is a unique oracle card deck that invites you on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual connection to your power animals.