In recent years, shamanic and spiritual practices have gained significant attention, with more people turning to ancient healing methods to address modern challenges. This rise in popularity has also brought up important questions: Why do certain methods seem to work for some and not for others? And with so many practitioners offering their services, how can one discern which approaches—and which shamans or shamanic practitioners—are trustworthy?
Shamanic sessions, in particular, hold the promise of profound transformation. This article explores the factors that influence the outcome of shamanic sessions, shedding light on what makes them effective and how clients and shamans alike can create the best conditions for healing.
1. Openness and Willingness
A person’s openness to the process is one of the most critical factors. Shamanic healing requires trust and a willingness to engage with unseen energies. Those who come with an open heart and mind are more likely to benefit than those who approach the session with skepticism or resistance. Emotional or mental barriers, such as fear or doubt, can act as blockages, limiting the flow of healing energy.
From my personal experience I know that the spirits need to understand that a person is really willing to change something in their life. And to work for it.
2. Clarity of Intention
The success of a session often depends on the clarity of the participant’s intention. Shamanic work operates on an energetic and spiritual level, and having a focused, heartfelt intention helps direct this energy. Vague or superficial goals can dilute the potency of the work, while a clear and specific intention acts as a beacon for healing.
This is also the task of a good shamanic practitioner to work that out. It is about asking the right questions when someone comes to you for a session.

3. Guidance from the Spirits
In shamanic practice, the spirits guide the healing process and will only provide what is appropriate for the client at a given time. This ensures that the individual receives what they are ready to handle, even if it doesn’t align with their expectations. Healing cannot be rushed, as the spirits work in alignment with the person’s highest good.
To support this, shamans often use divination methods to determine whether the client’s stated issue is the true root of their problem. Many people arrive with preconceived notions about what they need to heal, but the spirits often reveal deeper, hidden layers. Trusting the spirits’ wisdom and allowing the process to unfold naturally is key to meaningful transformation.
4. Divine Timing and the Soul’s Journey
In some cases, it may simply not be the right time for a person to experience a breakthrough. Every soul is on a unique path, and some lessons or transformations require patience and preparation. A session may plant seeds of healing that only blossom later, when the individual is ready to fully integrate the change.
Consider the case of a client who comes to a shaman seeking clarity about their life’s purpose. They feel stuck, unmotivated, and frustrated by a sense of aimlessness. During the session, the spirits reveal that the root of the issue lies in unresolved grief from a past relationship. The session offers insights, and the shaman facilitates a release ceremony to help the client process their emotions.
However, after the session, the client doesn’t feel an immediate sense of transformation. They leave wondering if the session truly worked. Over the next few months, though, subtle changes begin to emerge. They start journaling about their feelings, noticing synchronicities, and connecting with old memories. Eventually, they find themselves drawn to a creative project that reignites their passion and helps them move forward.
In this case, the session planted the seeds for healing, but the client needed time to integrate the energy and insights into their life. The breakthrough they sought came when they were emotionally and spiritually prepared to embrace it. This reflects the wisdom of the spirits, who offer what is most aligned for the individual’s journey at the moment, even if the results aren’t immediate.

Healing, like growth, happens in its own time. A session may catalyze changes that only become evident weeks, months, or even years later, reminding us that divine timing is an essential part of any transformative process.
5. Alignment with the Shamanic Practice
Not everyone resonates with shamanic healing. Each person has their own energetic and spiritual preferences, and some may connect more deeply with other modalities, such as energy healing, breathwork, or meditation. Shamanic sessions may still offer subtle benefits, even if the individual doesn’t feel an immediate or profound shift.
6. Integration After the Session
A shamanic session doesn’t end when the ceremony is over. The integration process—how the person reflects on and applies what they’ve experienced—is crucial. Without intentional follow-up, such as journaling, meditating, or changing patterns in daily life, the insights and energies from the session may fade. True healing requires active participation and commitment to personal growth. A good shamanic practitioner will therefore follow up on your progress and give you recommendations for practices to do after the sessions and the following weeks.
7. The Role of the Shaman
The energy, presence, and preparation of the shaman significantly influence the session’s outcome. A grounded, experienced, and energetically clear shaman is better equipped to hold a safe, powerful healing space. If the shaman is distracted, unbalanced, or not attuned to the client’s needs, the effectiveness of the session can diminish or a different goal could be reached.
8. Deep-Seated Energetic Blockages
Some individuals carry heavy karmic, emotional, or energetic blockages that require multiple sessions to address. These blockages might stem from unresolved trauma, familial patterns, or deeply ingrained fears. In such cases, one session may only scratch the surface, requiring ongoing work for deeper healing to unfold.
9. Expectations vs. Reality
Unrealistic expectations can hinder a person’s perception of the session’s effectiveness. Shamanic healing often works subtly, and its impact may not be immediately obvious. Expecting instant, dramatic results can lead to disappointment, even when the session has initiated profound shifts that will unfold over time.
This is not unique to shamanic work. It’s similar to working with a psychologist or other personal transformation methods. Even the best-trained psychologist might not be able to help if the client is not ready or willing to engage deeply with the process. Change requires both the right method and the client’s active participation.
10. Connection and Trust Between Client and Shamanic Practitioner
The relationship between the client and the shaman plays a vital role. If the client feels unsafe, mistrusts the shaman, or doesn’t resonate with their energy, it can block the healing process. A strong, trusting connection allows for deeper vulnerability and receptivity, which enhances the session’s impact.
11. Safe and Sacred Space
A shamanic session requires a protected, energetically clean environment. External distractions, energetic intrusions, or an unsafe atmosphere can disrupt the flow of the session. Creating a sacred, nurturing space is essential for the participant to feel held and supported throughout the process.
Understanding the Complexity of Healing
Shamanic healing is not a linear or predictable process. It works on levels of consciousness and energy that are often invisible and intangible. Even when a session seems ineffective, it may have initiated shifts that are subtle or delayed.
The spirits, acting as wise guides, offer healing that aligns with the client’s soul’s capacity at that moment. They often reveal unexpected insights, showing that the perceived issue may only be a symptom of a deeper imbalance. This highlights the importance of trusting the process and allowing the work to unfold in its own time.
Practical Steps for Optimizing a Shamanic Session
• Come with an open heart and mind: Be willing to explore and receive, even if it challenges your beliefs.
• Set a clear intention: Know why you are seeking the session and what you hope to release or achieve.
• Trust the spirits’ wisdom: Allow them to guide the session, knowing they will reveal what is most important for you at the time.
• Use divination tools: Let the spirits confirm or refine your understanding of the root cause before the session begins.
• Follow through with integration: Reflect, journal, or meditate on the experience. Take conscious actions to embody the insights you’ve gained.
• Find the right shaman for you: Choose a practitioner with whom you feel a deep connection and trust.
Comprehensive Shamanism Online Training
Join our empowering shamanism training series, “The Elements of Shamanism,” to learn shamanic practices through the lens of the elements: Water, Earth, Fire, and Wind. This course is perfect for anyone who wants to start their shamanic path to improve their own life. Through the online classes, you will learn key skills like shamanic journeying, connecting with spirit animals, and exploring your ancestral lineage.

“The Elements of Shamanism” is a course that invites you to embrace your personal power with some of the most important techniques of shamanism.